Trusted Mortgage Advice | Neil Soundy Financial Services – 95% MORTGAGE WITH THE MONMOUTHSHIRE BUILDING SOCIETY


The Monmouthshire Building Society has launched a very competitive 95% mortgage.

The major benefits to this mortgage product are :

1) Discounted rate for the first 3 years at 3.75%. Then reverting to the lender variable rate of 4.99% (4.80% APR)

2) Only a 5% deposit is required

3) Open to first time buyers

4) No product fee

5) Only committed to the lender for three years

The drawbacks to this mortgage product are :

1) The discount is linked to the lenders variable rate which can be changed at anytime.

2) You are committed to the lender for three years on a variable rate.

3) Maximum borrowing is £175,000.

4) Limited to NP, CF, SA, LD, WR, GL, HR, BS postcodes.

5) No portable outside these postcodes.

Contact us today for a free no obligation initial discussion or meeting to see if this is the best 95% mortgage for your circumstances

Why use Neil Soundy Financial Services for your mortgage advice.

We are different.

We offer at least twice the choice of mortgages compared to a standard broker.

View the video on our homepage that explains how mortgage advice has changed.

We will give you expert impartial advice on the mortgage market.

Neil Soundy Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of HL Partnership Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

We do not give or imply legal or taxation advice. We recommend you contact a solicitor or accountant for advice in these areas.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home/property. Your home/property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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Trusted Mortgage Advice | Neil Soundy Financial Services – HOW TO GET THE MOST SUITABLE MORTGAGE RATE?

There are a number of factors in obtaining the best mortgage rate

1)      Make sure you are on the electoral role. It is essential that you appear on the voters role when the lenders performs a credit check on you. This option to register is open to to all citizens of the Irish republic or other European Union country as well. (EU citizens cannot vote in Westminster parliamentary elections), You can submit a separate application to vote in European parliamentary elections). Register to vote or confirm your details are correct at

2)      Ensure all credit commitments are paid on time. These include loans, credit card, catalogue and contract mobile phones. II have had a client declined because of one missed mobile phone payment.

3)      Reduce your personal commitments. If you already have an existing loan or credit card this will reduce how much a lenders will advance. A rule of thumb is that the monthly payment is multiplied by 12 to show the annual cost. This figure is then deducted off your annual salary Eg if you are paying £200 per month the annual figure of £2,400 is then deducted from your salary. 

£25,000 – £2,400 = £22,600 x 4.25 = £96,050 (compared to £106,250 if no credit commitment)

4)      Size of deposit. The choice of lenders and mortgage product increases if you can fund a larger deposit. Their a few lenders that only require a 5% deposit. As an example if you can increase your deposit to 10% the choice increases from 57 to 283. Another benefit is a more competitive rate. The most dramatic improvement in rate and additional choice is when you can fund a 15% deposit. The improvement in rate and choice is more marginal after this banding.

5)      Evidence of income. Lenders are now looking for last three pay slips and latest P60. If you want to include overtime or bonus income you will need to supply P60’s for previous years. The choice of lenders plummets if you are paid in cash. I would recommend this is changed to direct transfer. If this option is not available I would pay the full cash amount into your current account as an audit trail. For self-employed ask your tax office for last three years personal SA302’s. Lenders are now requesting these in addition to tax returns.

This is not an exhaustive guide but should help you get a better mortgage.

Why use Neil Soundy Financial Services for your mortgage advice.

We are different.

We give at least twice the choice of mortgages compared to a standard broker

Go to our homepage for more information or view video to see how mortgage advice has changed

Your initial consultation is free with no obligation.

Neil Soundy Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of HL Partnership Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some forms of buy-to-lets.

We do not give or imply legal or taxation advice. We recommend you contact a solicitor or accountant for advice in these areas.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home/property. Your home/property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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Trusted Mortgage Advice | Neil Soundy Financial Services – 95% MORTGAGE FOR HOME MOVERS


The Saffron Building Society has launched today a 95% mortgage designed for home movers who have little equity in their existing home.

The basic lending criteria is :

1)      Interest rate of 5.99% (apr 6.1%)

2)      Fixed until 31/08/2016

3)      Only a 5% deposit is required

4)      Open to home movers

5)      £495 arrangement fee

6)      House purchase up to £500,000

7)      Penalty free

The great feature of this mortgage is that it is penalty free. This means that you can remortgage to a better rate as soon as you have 10% equity in the new property.

EDIT 16/04/2013 Principality Building Society have now moved into the 95% mortgage market.

Contact us today for a free no obligation initial discussion or meeting to see it this is the right mortgage for your circumstances.

Why use Neil Soundy Financial Services for your mortgage advice in Cardiff.

We offer at least twice the choice of mortgages compared to a standard mortgage broker. View the video on our homepage that explains how we are different.

For client reviews go to our testimonial page

We will give you expert impartial advice on the mortgage market.

Neil Soundy Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of HL Partnership Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

We do not give or imply legal or taxation advice. We recommend you contact a solicitor or accountant for advice in these areas.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

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Trusted Mortgage Advice | Neil Soundy Financial Services – CONTRACTOR MORTGAGES. NEW LENDERS FOR IT CONTRACTORS

Trusted Mortgage Advice | Neil Soundy Financial Services – LET TO BUY MORTGAGES / PERMISSION TO LET MORTGAGES / CONSENT TO LET M

In this article I will cover Let to Buy Mortgages and Permission / Consent to Let Mortgages.

Let to Buy Mortgages are recommended when you are retaining your existing property, renting it out and buying a property which will be your new main residence. You are remortgaging to a buy to let mortgage. This is advised where you see this as a longer term arrangement.

The amount the new lender will advance on your retained property is not based on your income but the projected rental income and the equity in the property. The basic rule of thumb is that they require a minimum of 25% equity (some lenders will advance up to 85% loan to value) in the property and the rental income be 25% higher than the interest only payment. The more equity in the property means less risk to the lender and a better rate.

The benefits of a let to buy mortgage are:

1) It is a permanent solution.

2) You can raise additional money to help fund deposit on the next property.

3) The mortgage can be arranged on an interest only basis to reduce monthly mortgage payments.

Permission to Let / Consent to Let Mortgages is where you approach your existing lender informing them that you intend to rent out your existing home. You might want to take this route because of a temporary job move or you want to buy another property quickly without selling yours. In the past most lenders have been very helpful, letting you retain your existing mortgage product /rate and only charging a small administration fee.

The majority of lenders now are far stricter on permission to let mortgages. They will grant permission for 12 months and review annually, increase the rate and may charge a substantial fee. An example of this new criteria is with the C&G. Their current standard variable rate is 3.99% (for mortgages completed after 1/6/2010). The rate will increase to 5.99% if you request for permission to let for a property with equity of 25%.

Another recent example is a client with First Direct mortgage on a permission to let basis that had expired after 12 months. The lender would not renew the permission to let and were insisting that the property be sold or converted to a buy to let mortgage. As the client had only 15% equity and did not meet the buy to let rental criteria he was forced to sell at below market value. First Direct can insist on him selling the property as he no longer meets the terms and conditions of his original mortgage offer.


Not all Buy to Let lenders offer Let to Buy mortgages. The major quirk in the criteria is the 6 month rule.

An example of this is with the Skipton Building Society. They will let you remortgage your property to buy to let basis and raise additional funds to help purchase your new home. However if we approach them to remortgage to a buy to let basis after you have moved out they will require a 6 month track record of the property being rented. BM Solutions and Woolwich do not impose this rule.

The majority of lenders will not include your let to buy mortgage borrowing as a financial commitment as long as it is can be evidenced as a self financing proposition. Accord, Yorkshire Building Society and Nationwide are among a group of lenders who will treat your let to buy mortgage as a commitment and expect that your personal income to support your permission to let and new borrowing until evidence of a track record of rental income.

Lending criteria is very fluid; please contact me for lenders current position.


When you property is being rented out you become a landlord. This means that you will have to make an annual tax return. You can only offset the interest only element of your mortgage payment as a business expense, not the capital part. As the property is no longer your main residence you might have to pay capital gains tax when it is sold.


As the property is no longer your main residence you will have to amend your home insurance to reflect that the property is now being rented.


Converting you mortgage to a buy to let basis does give you the ability to buy a new home and suits some people but at increased risk. The buy to let mortgage still needs to be paid every month even if not tenanted.

Why use Neil Soundy Financial Services for your mortgage advice.

We will give you expert impartial advice on the mortgage market.

Your initial consultation is free with no obligation.

For client reviews go to our testimonial page.

Neil Soundy Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of HL Partnership Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some forms of buy-to-lets.

We do not give or imply legal or taxation advice. We recommend you contact a solicitor or accountant for advice in these areas.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home/property. Your home/property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

By Neil Soundy

Request Call Back

We can discuss your current situation and the options available to you before arranging a free no-obligation meeting.

Trusted Mortgage Advice | Neil Soundy Financial Services – HELP TO BUY SCHEME – HELP FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS AND HOME MOVERS?

On the 20/03/2013 the Chancellor announced a new scheme to boost the housing market.  The government have allocated £12bn of guarantees to enable £130bn of mortgage lending over three years.

The Help to Buy Scheme is designed to promote lending at high to value, including 95% mortgages with a maximum purchase price of £600,000. It will include first time buyers, home movers and remortgages though this criteria could change.

At present on a 95% mortgage some lenders protect themselves from the increased risk of loss on repossession by insisting the purchaser paying a Higher Lending Charge.  This insurance policy will pay the lender the difference between the amount borrowed and the sold price in case of repossession.

The Help to Buy Scheme lessens the risk to the lender as the scheme underwrites 14.25% of the value of the property. On a purchase price of £120,000 the purchaser would still fund a £6000 deposit while government would underwrite £17,100 against default.

The three hoped for benefits of this scheme are:

1)       More lenders will be encouraged to lend at 95%.

2)      The lenders will offer more competitive rates.

3)      Higher lending charge will not be required.

This scheme is aimed to be introduced in January 2014 but as there are ongoing negotiations with the FSA and lenders so this could easily get deferred.

We will update on the progress of the Help to Buy Scheme in future blogs.

Why use Neil Soundy Financial Services for your mortgage advice.

We will give you expert impartial advice on the mortgage market.

Your initial consultation is free with no obligation.

View the video on our homepage that explains how we can offer at least twice the choice of mortgages compared to a standard mortgage broker.

For client reviews go to our testimonial page

Neil Soundy Financial Services Ltd is an appointed representative of HL Partnership Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

We do not give or imply legal or taxation advice. We recommend you contact a solicitor or accountant for advice in these areas.

Think carefully before securing other debts against your home/property. Your home/property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

By Neil Soundy

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